Commercial Recordings
These commercial recordings are available through regular streaming services, or directly from the distributors, or from a library, or perhaps a yard sale. I have a few boxes of CDs in my office as well, so you can always contact me and I’ll send you one. You will need a CD player (I have one, but it is my only one so I can’t send it to you).
Zwei Lieder nach Rilke; Trio no. 2; duo for cello and piano; Trio no. 1
Centrediscs 28120
Trio no. 2 for violin, cello and piano
Centrediscs 25718
The Mechanical Advantage
Opening Day Records ODR 9319
Centrediscs 26819
Wild Honey
Centrediscs CMC RM2010
Wellspring WEL 0008
Strategies Against Architecture Book II
Nova Disc CD-ND 0199-CDE
Eclectra ECCD-2074